Monday, December 20, 2010

More Holiday Crafts and Fun

Decorating an orange with cloves...
Use large push pin tomake a hole in the skin of the orange.
Push clove into orange.
Cover orange completely with cloves and hang with a ribbon as a fragrent ornament.

 Making a beaded tree...

Bubble making...
An eye dropper, a small container of dish soap, a piture for water, a bowl for mixing, a whisk, and a towel for clean up.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mandala Work...other ideas

Mandala is the Sanskrit word for circle. A mandaal can be any of various geometric designs symbolizing the universe. Mandalas are often used as an aide for focus and meditation.

As part of our classroom's study of the cultures of Asia the children are learning about Mandalas. Here are just a few art projects they have worked on which incorporate a mandala theme...

 These are mandalas made from triangle cut from magazine pictures and glued onto a circle...
 Here are a few photocopied images for coloring and inspriation...
 Here is a fabric madala (see earlier tuttorial post)...

 Some mandalas can be made just by gluing different shapes and colors together...