Many practical life and art activities share the same skills. The art shelves in our classroom are near the practical life area.
We have an art supply shelf that is always stocked with basic supplies including: crayons, markers, colored pencils, scissors, stapler, scotch tape, masking tape, twine, a selection of hole punches, hand and electric pencil sharpeners, glue, a selection of stencils, paper (colored, white, and recycled), cardboard, envelopes and rulers. We also have a painting easel, playdough, and watercolor paints available. All of these materials are available for open ended creative use.
Cutting Activity:
This is a simple activity to introduce the skill of using scissors and practice cutting on a line. After children cut the strip of paper on the lines the scraps are placed in the small bucket. When the activity is finished the scraps can be used for collage work or composted.
Collage Activity:
This activity uses the dried corn from a practical life tweezing activity to make collage art.
Potpourri Sachet Activity:
Dried flowers, seed pods, and grasses collected on our nature walks are scented with a few drops of essential oil then wrapped in toile and secured with a pipe cleaner.
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